About Ozie

Ozie Davis III has been involved in sports all his life. From P&O (first organized sport), to Avondale Lions and Warriors to Walnut Hills (three-sport letter winner), to Miami University (MAC Champion Football 1986), to Coaching at Hughes (first coaching job 1987), to working with the Cleveland Cavaliers, to Indiana for grad school and law school where he taught Sports and the African American Experience, to Bloomington Red AAU, to Queen City Prophets, to NOW, running the Queen City Youth Development Program. Having been influenced by some of the finest coaches Thomas Stewart (Avondale-R.I.P.), George Jackson (Walnut Hills), Dave Lumpkin (Walnut Hills), Fred Tudor (Walnut Hills), Willard Stargell (Walnut Hills-R.I.P.), Walter Allen (Walnut Hills-R.I.P.), Jack Campbell (Walnut Hills), Bob Kelly (Hughes), Denny Duermit (Walnut Hills), Tim Rose (Miami), Kip Waddel (Hughes), Lenny Wilkens (Cleveland Cavaliers), Bobby Knight (Indiana), Tom McKinnery (Bloomington North) Davis takes his minor in Coaching from Miami very seriously. Having obtained three degrees, he takes his education the same! Currently, Davis is Sports Editor of the Cincinnati Herald, a board member of Parents for Public Schools and the Mathis Foundation, advisory member to the Reds Community Fund, LSDMC Chair at Rockdale, Board of Managers Co-Chair at the Avondale Boys & Girls Club, and Program Manager at the Local Initiatives Support Corporation. Davis resides in Avondale with his lovely wife Beverly and his pride and joy Ozie Davis IV.

Davis ‘greatest commitment is to his wife Beverly and son, Ozie Davis IV.
Beverly Sutton Davis
Ozie IV
Beverly Sutton Davis
Ozie IV
Juris Doctor: Indiana University
Master’s Applied Science: Indiana University
Bachelor of Arts: Miami University
Diploma: Walnut Hills High
His Character
As a community leader, Ozie demonstrates continuous learning and develops and refines these qualities over time. He recognizes that each community is unique, but has a special love for Avondale and its surrounding communities.
Ozie possesses a combination of knowledge, skills, and qualities that enable him to effectively assist individuals, businesses, and organizations in navigating various aspects of relationships.